
Sunday, July 17, 2011

We're in Wisconsin!

Windmills along Hwy.47 in north central IL.
Historic windmill in Dwight, IL

First fire truck in Dwight - 1914 American LaFrance
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Station break on Route 66 - Dwight, IL
We got off to a good start today.  We had gassed up yesterday, so we just hit the road, straight up Hwy. 47.  After passing the very interesting sight of a windmill farm, our first pit stop was the interesting town of Dwight, pop. 4400.  Here, the town has started renovating a windmill, that at 110 feet, was one of the largest in the country when it was built in 1896 and is on the Register of Historic Places.  Right around the corner, is a restored 1930's gas station that serves as the city's welcome center.  Historic Route 66 goes through Dwight right in front of the station.  So, we took a drive down Route 66 back to Hwy.47 and then continued our trip north.  Part of the roadway was OK and part not so great.  As usual, the scenery was the same - corn and beans!  We stopped in Sugar Grove for gas, food and bathroom and Barbara met and old school friend that she hasn't seen in years.  As we were getting gas, a guy in a Corvette drives up and asks if we know about some event going on at Road America?!!  Turns out he is going to meet his brother from Cleveland who is driving over in a Sprite!  Shortly after leaving Sugar Grove, I noticed a burning smell and pulled over to see smoke coming from the left, front wheel well.  Couldn't see anything obvious, suspect a sticking brake caliper.  After a few minutes cool down, we tried it again, with Paul behind to let me know if he saw any more smoke or flames!  Everything seemed fine, until it happened again further down the road.  After cooling off, we drove the rest of the way to Elkhorn with no further problem.  A quick call to Peter C. and he reassured me that we could get it taken care of at Elkhart Lake, pump and caliper.  It's only about 2-3 hours tomorrow, so hopefully we will have no problems.  We got to Elkhorn, checked in the hotel, then went downtown to Moy's restaurant for some excellent Chinese food.  Came back and washed most of the road grime off the cars called it a day.  Phil from Florida called and plans to meet us tomorrow along the way.  Should be at the Victorian Village tomorrow and maybe have a cold one at Siebkins.

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