
Friday, July 22, 2011

We start the journey home - Friday, July 22, 2011

MG weatherization.  Towels should be standard equipment on every MG!

Sunny Side Up Family Restaurant in Dousman, WI
Start the day with a hearty breakfast - Huevos Rancheros!  (This is for you Melinda)

 We left the Victorian Village in Elkhart Lake about 7:00 this morning and since they didn't have breakfast ready, we decided to drive a little while and find somewhere to eat on the road.  It was overcast this morning and actually pretty cool.  Great weather for top down driving.  However, a few miles out of town, the overcast turned into some small sprinkles, so we kept going.  Unfortunately, it started sprinkling a little harder.  We hoped that as the front was going north and east and we were traveling south, we would cross it and would be in nicer weather pretty quickly.  It didn't quite work out that way.  It started raining a little harder so we finally stopped in Mayville, WI under a gas station awning and put our tops up.  However, it wasn't raining hard enough at the time for Paul to put up his side curtains.  So, off we went hoping for the rain to stop.  A short while later, after several large truck passed us throwing up large plumes of water, and with the continuing rain, Paul and Barbara were getting a little wet, so we stopped so they could put up the side curtains.  Then, on we went.  The rain continued most of the way through Wisconsin and finally stopped in northern Illinois.  You can see in the picture why we carry rolled up towels under our seats - they are to catch rain that drips in the not quite weatherproof MGs!  We stopped at the Sunny Side Up Family Restaurant in Dousman, WI for a late breakfast.  This is a nice restaurant run by Mexicans that is connected to a BP station.  I had standard eggs, pancakes and sausage, but everyone else got Huevos Rancheros with corn tortillas and said they were excellent.  The waitress was very nice and we all left full.  We continued on to Dwight, the interesting town with the windmill that we stopped at on the way up.  We headed east and went to Kankakee, IL where we stopped at the Blues Cafe for a late lunch.  This is an institution that has been there since 1954.  We had basic sandwiches and soup - basic fare and good but nothing special.  We all had a piece of their homemade pie which was better than the sandwiches!  After lunch, we continued on the Danville, IL where we stayed for the night.  On the way to the hotel, we stopped at Jarling's Custard Cup for dinner.  Since we ate late and didn't feel like a big meal, we just decided that we would eat dessert.  This place has been here since 1949!  They have a very extensive menu with all kinds of combinations of custard and toppings.  While we were trying to decide what we wanted, a guy, that was obviously a regular, walks up and orders a female turtle.  A regular turtle has vanilla custard with caramel and fudge topping plus nuts on top.  Well, we saw "turtle" on the menu but not "female turtle", so we asked the guy, "what's a female turtle?"  He answers, "it's a turtle without any nuts".  We got a big laugh out of that.  The turtle sounded good to me, so I ordered, but I wanted a macho turtle - with lots of pecans!!  And, it was quite good.  We then drove to the hotel for the night.  Tomorrow might be a shorter day, so we may plan to do a little sightseeing tomorrow.

Lunch at the Blues Cafe - in Kankakee, IL since 1954
Dinner at Jarling's Custard Cup in Danville, IL


  1. Today's blog has made me want to eat... be back in a while.

  2. Me, too. Better be bringing home a huge doggie bag for me. :)
