
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Our tentative route

We'll be leaving Thursday, July 14 and will be taking back roads, avoiding Interstates if possible.  We have allowed plenty of time so we won't push the cars and to give us time to stop at any interested places we come to.  We will take time to "smell the roses".  However, some of my club mates claim that at my rate of travel, I don't just smell the roses, but I actually watch them grow! 

We will meet Paul and Barbara Flexner and their '61 Midget in Canton, GA.  From there, we will take Hwy. 140 to Hwy. 41 to Chattanooga.  We will continue on Hwy. 41 to Murfreesboro, TN where we will spend the night.  The second day, we will continue into Kentucky on Hwy. 91 through Hopkinsville and Princeton and on to the Cave in Rock ferry where we will cross the Ohio river and spend the night at the Cave in Rock park lodge.  Day 3 we will travel up Hwy. 1 on to Hwy. 45.  Stop for day 3 is not set, but may be around Champaign, where we will get on Hwy. 47 to Lake Geneva, WI.  From Lake Geneva, we will take Hwy. 67 on up to Elkhart Lake and the Big Party!

Anyone that wants to join us is welcome!  If interested and want to find out where we are, you can contact me at:  jack(dot)orkin(at)emory(dot)edu and if give me your phone number and I'll call you.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at Elkhart Lake!

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