
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Saturday, July 16 - NO PROBLEMS TODAY!!

Efficient packing - all that out of 2 Midgets!

The Courier Cafe, Urbana, IL

A few of the 'Vettes at the museum
Gassing up at an old service station
The CERV 1

We had breakfast at the state park lodge, thinking it would be quick.  Guess they had to wait for the chickens to lay some eggs, as we waited a long time for simple breakfasts, so got away a little later than we had planned.  We headed up Hwy. 1 and then picked up Hwy. 45.  The drive today was pretty boring.  The cars ran fine all day and we didn't stop in any cornfields!! There is mostly flat, green agricultural land that stretches seemingly to the horizon.  That is, unless there is corn growing along the roadway, then its like driving through a corn tunnel and you can't see anything over the corn!  Corn and beans, that about all there is.  The road is an old, concrete highway and is not in the best condition.  We stopped in Flora for gas and a break.  We decided to stop down the road in Effingham for lunch.  About 30 minutes later, we were in Effingham, which is the biggest city we've been in today, population about 12,000.  We drove downtown, but being Saturday, nothing was open except a pub, but it didn't serve food!  Turns out you need a special permit to serve food in a bar.  So, we found a locally owned, locally operated restaurant called Niemerg's Steakhouse.  It was very good, had good service, and the prices were shockingly (to those of us used to Atlanta prices) inexpensive.  They even gave us a tub of iced water to soak our neck ties in.  After lunch, we passed an O'Reillys and thought about stopping to get another spare fuel pump.  We have one spare fuel pump between us, do we really need another?  I decided to live on the edge and resisted the urge to stop.   We drove about 5 miles north of town to Mid-America Motorworks.  This is an aftermarket distributor of Corvette and VW performance parts and accessories.  They also have a small museum of about 20 or so Corvettes and a few VW Bugs, including one of the movie Herbies.  In front is a recreation of an old service station.  They even have a hose you run over that rings a bell to alert the attendant.  To those too young to remember, service stations used to have people come out and pump your gas, check your oil and clean your windshield.  And the gas was less than a dollar a gallon!  From there, we went on the Champaign-Urbana where we will stop for the night and rehydrate and cool off.  After checking in the hotel, we went to the Courier Cafe in downtown Urbana.  It's in an old, historic building that used to house a newspaper, the Urbana Courier from 1877 until it closed in 1979.  The building was renovated and the cafe opened in 1980.  We'll be heading up Hwy. 47 tomorrow to Elkhorn, WI.


  1. Hey jack

    Are you sure its not just fuel vaperization (fuel boiling out of the float chamber) and not a fuel pump.


  2. Prop, could be, but it happened first thing in the morning also. And, when we check outflow, there was none. Think it is working intermittently, probably a sign of impending failure. Seems to be working with the aux. pump in place. If it happens again, I'll drop a bowl and check. Hope you've sorted out your problem and we'll see you tomorrow!!!

  3. Dear Jack and Kathy,

    A staffer introduced me to your travel site, and I must say, I'm finding your adventures quite exciting. I wish Michelle and I could join you but duty calls here in Washington.

    Best Regards,
    Barack H. Obama

  4. Hmmm, I wish The Obama's would join you on your adventure. By the way, the SLB follower you now have is Kay Lee

  5. Wow, you guys are really becoming pretty popular. This road trip may lead you into politics! Now that you are retired, could be something to do with your spare time.


  6. Just noticed the picture of all the stuff you had packed in the Midgets - that and spare parts - hope the springs hold up!


  7. Glad you are having a grand time! try to keep that car running until you get home!
