
Friday, July 15, 2011


Well, after a good night's sleep, everyone is feeling better and ready to go.  The car started! Yeah!  We pulled out of the hotel and proceeded to a gas station to fill-up but before we got there, it was deja vu all over again!  After driving 30 miles from Nashville to Goodlettsville yesterday with no problem, it died again.  We coasted right into and Auto Zone parking lot!  The car had been running on the original pump, but I guess it was in the process of dying, so all I had to do was connect the electrical connection to the spare under the hood and we were off again.  We got gas and pulled out and hadn't gone a hundred yards when the entire road ahead was blocked with a wreck.  Luckily, there was one lane open and we were able to get around after a short wait and before the cars had a chance to overheat!

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