
Sunday, June 19, 2016

Louisville British Bash


This morning we ate breakfast at the hotel, then drove about 4 blocks to the waterfront park for the British Bash put on by the Louisville British Car Club.  This is an all British show, unlike the MG2016 show which was only MGs.  It was hot as hell again today,  but the show field is next to where MG2016 was and there is a small park with trees for much needed shade.  There is also some shade provided by the shadow of the overhead Interstate roadway.  Luckily, our parking spot was in the shade!  There were over 100 cars present, many that stayed over from the MG2016 event.  The people in the red Midget next to me were very nice and drove about 2100 miles from Calgary, Canada!  Fittingly, they won first in our class.  Some pictures from the show:

Nice British motorcycles

1935 Bentley

Midgets in the shade
The Midget class
A racing Morgan

Post-show picture with the Ohio river in the background
After the show was over, we went back to the hotel to cool off before taking the hotel shuttle to dinner.  We ate at the Garage Bar in NuLu.  It was a very popular place with a bar and small menu with some unusual pizzas.  We got a corn pizza.  Yes, sounds weird, but it was actually quite good. I washed it down with an equally good beer - Wittekerke from Belgium. We walked around NuLu a little then called it a night.  We'll be heading home tomorrow.

The Garage Bar

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