
Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Exploring Louisville


Today we explored Louisville.  We ate breakfast at a good, local restaurant - Wild Eggs.  The drive over was through some beautiful, older neighborhoods.  The weather was nice and slightly overcast as we drove over with the top down.  Wild Eggs is a small, modest building, but apparently quite popular.    My omelet and pancake were good as was Kathy's Surfer Girl omelet.

The Surfer Girl Omelet

After brunch, we drove to the area along Frankfort Ave. which has a selection of eclectic shops and restaurants.  We walked around and left a little financial stimulus!  As we were leaving, someone came up and started talking to us about the car and I asked him if he could tell us how to get to our next destination - an area called the Highlands.  He said that he lived there and was going home for lunch and he would lead us there.  He took us on a scenic route through old neighborhoods and a beautiful park.  It was great and we ended up right where we needed to go.  We found a parking space on a nice tree shaded street and walked around Highlands.  This is another street with many shops and restaurants.

While we were on the way back to the car, it got very dark, windy and started sprinkling.  But, it was short-lived and we got back to the car without getting wet.  We did put the top up for the drive back to the hotel, but did not encounter any more rain.  When we got back, we washed clothes and the car before going out  to eat.  We had dinner at the Cottage Inn, a restaurant in a small house in a quaint, old neighborhood.  The Cottage Inn has been around, in the same place, since 1929!  Its southern comfort food and it was very comfortable!!  

After dinner, it was back to the hotel to get ready for the big show tomorrow!  At the hotel, I  noticed this warning in the elevator.  But, I don't think it is slippery from water.  I think it is slippery from oil that people are tracking in after stepping in it in the parking lot!

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