
Friday, October 7, 2016

On to Franklin and Nashville

Oct. 7, 2016

We left Tupelo this morning and drove up the Natchez Trace toward Franklin, TN.  This section  of the trace is in very good condition, and it was a very nice drive - cool, clear and very little traffic.
We eventually had to exit the Trace and continued on through the town of Summertown, TN where the entire town was participating in a yard sale.  For miles, all along the street, people had piled their junk to try to sell.  We even saw some Amish shopping,  driving up in their horse and buggy.  We were doing well until we hit Spring Hill.  Here the highway is also main street and goes right through town.  So, you have local traffic, highway traffic, and lights that are not synchronized, resulting in a crawl from light to light.  Was very slow, but we finally made it out of town and to Franklin.  We stopped and walked around the historic downtown and ate lunch at the Franklin Mercantile Deli. Good, fresh, homemade sandwiches.

We then drove to the hotel and checked in, and then freshened up for the get together for car event participants at JD's British Car Service.  This was a very nice event, with food donated by the  Nashville British Car Club.  J.D.'s shop is like British car nirvana, with many different examples, in various states of repair.  We got there a little early and JD was nice enough to provide me a jack, jackstands and a creeper and I was able to temporarily repair the exhaust pipe with a patch I picked up at an auto parts store.  Took about 5 minutes with the proper tools!  Car sounds normal now and this will hold until I can get home and get a proper fix.

Workshop at JD's British Car Service

We also got to see my nephew's business, Greener Roots Farm, which is right down the street from JDs.  Here, he grows various leafy greens and herbs indoors, hydroponically, year round and supplies them to local establishments.  The whole process is quite interesting.  If they ever legalize pot in TN, he will be ready!!
Growing veggies and herbs hydroponically at Greener Roots Farm
We then returned to the hotel, enjoying the cool Nashville night.

(Pictures coming)

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