
Monday, October 10, 2016

Going home!

October 9, 2016

We had breakfast with Kyle, who stayed over last night, at a local bagel place.  After saying our goodbyes, we were off to Atlanta.  We traveled down Hwy. 41 through Murfreesboro where we passed Todd's Auto Service where we had stopped about 5 years ago when we had a problem.  We waved to Todd, but being Sunday, he wasn't there.  We continued through Manchester, TN, home of the Bonaroo Music Festival.  Here we passed the car wash where we pulled into one of the bays 5 years ago to work on the car.  Luckily, this time we drove right on by.  Must have been the blessing we recently received!  We then continued on to Mont Eagle where we got into some real twisty roads, first going up the mountain then down the other side.  Coming down the other side into Chattanooga, we could see the Interstate, which paralleled the road we were on, and it was a parking lot!  As far as we could see, the traffic was stopped, while we motored right along.  We were afraid that the road we were on would get jammed up with people getting off the Interstate, but we never encountered any traffic and were able to get through Chattanooga with no problems.

We passed one of our favorite landmarks - a uniform company with a gate in the rear with a sign that reads, "Caution:  automobiles will not fit through gate".  I guess this is to cut down on cut through traffic, but our car fit though with no problems!

We were looking forward to going through the tunnel in East Ridge, but I took a wrong turn and we went a different way.  We started looking for a local establishment to eat lunch but found out that on Sunday, the only thing open is fast food chains.  So, we continued on through Rossville, Ringgold and on to Dalton.  We finally found Marisco's Puerto Vallarta restaurant which was open.  This was a cool little place, a Mexican seafood restaurant.  Even though it was about 3:00 pm, it was busy.  I think we were the only non-Spanish speakers in the place!  Very authentic and popular.  We had shrimp tostados and a cerviche cocktail and they were very good.

We continued on through Chatsworth, Talking Rock and stopped at the QT in Jasper for gas and coffee.  It was getting late in the afternoon, and we remembered that we have a club meeting tonight. We decided to just go to the meeting and we would arrive just a little late.  So, we reset our GPS and the traffic was light and we finally made it to the Harp Irish Pub in Roswell about 6:00 pm.  We enjoyed the meeting and then we out to eat with several other people to Emidio's, a very good Portugese restaurant.  We left dinner about 9:00 and finally got home about 10:00!  

So, after 11 days, 3 car shows, 4 states, 5 hotels, a Mardi Gras parade, our car getting blessed, a hole in the exhaust pipe from bumpy roads, meeting new friends and seeing old ones and travelling 1778 miles, we had a blast, but are glad to be back home...until we go on the road again!

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