
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Big Show


Today is the big show - NAMGBR's MG 2014.  The show field is in front of the casino at the French Lick Resort hotel.  We pulled onto the field about 9:00 and drove to our parking area.  After getting the car situated, we then walked back to the hotel to eat breakfast with several other people.
Later, we walked back to the show field to look at cars and talk to people.  Kathy went with a friend to a nearby antique and flea market.  It looks like a pretty good turnout for the show.  I don't know how many cars are here, but one of the people with our group registered here and is number 355, so there is somewhere around 350 cars.  But, a disappointing turnout of Midgets -  about 15.

Midgets on the Green

Only part of the field

There is a nice variety of cars, but the weather is not cooperating.  The Midgets and a few other cars are on the grass, but the majority of the other cars are on an asphalt parking lot.  And, it is getting very hot.  It is very humid and very hot, over 90 degrees.  The heat is pretty brutal and we're trying to drink lots of water and stay in the shade.  We finally left the field before the end of the show as it was so hot.  Many others did the same thing.  We went back to the hotel room for a shower and to get ready for the banquet.

Tomorrow we will be leaving for the next leg of our journey - to Michigan and beyond!  We will be with 4 other cars for one day, then will be on our own.  Stay tuned!

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