
Thursday, May 16, 2019

Looking for Dorothy and a Lineman...


Last night I put the top up because of the chance of rain at night and for today.  So, we left this morning with the top up, ready for the rain which never came.  It was another nice day, but did get hot later on.  The roads were generally very good with light traffic.  Again, there are very few billboards and the ones that are present seem lower and smaller than the towering monstrosities we're used to.  Travelling west in Missouri, getting into the Ozarks, the roads have long grades, and its very green.  As you continue west, the roads become straighter and flatter.  There are very large farming tracts, stretching as far as you can see in Missouri and as you move into Kansas, it moves to extremely large cattle ranches.  As you move out of the mountains of Missouri and onto the plains of Kansas, it seems like you can see forever.  We also saw, on a nearby ridge, a large windmill farm with a large number of windmills spinning away generating electricity.

We stopped for lunch in Springfield at Georges Restaurant, since 1970.  The food was good, but the inside of the place looked like nothing had been changed since 1970!  As we continued on,  we wondered how the armadillo population was doing, as we saw tons of dead ones on the roads.  They must have a real problem crossing the road at night!

One of the highways we were on today is also part of historic route 66.  I'm not sure if it was actually part of the original route 66, or if it was just connecting some of the original parts, but there were these markers along the road.  We say, "we got our kicks on route 66!"

We made it to Wichita, Kansas where we stopped for the night.  First time in Kansas for us and the MG!  Tomorrow should be a short trip to Dodge City, so we will try to spend a little time checking out Wichita and looking for that lineman!

1 comment:

  1. Great to see the drive to Kansas. I went to Kansas City once...during a layover to LA...
    Was it the MG's first time over there?
