
Friday, May 17, 2019

Garage Party, or How We Almost Met Dorothy!


This morning we started work on the Midget - Jim Johnson, Dave Woerpel from Wisconsin and myself.  Others arrived during the day and jumped in.  Eventually, we had Mark Haynes from Colorado, Kevin Valentine from Pennsylvania, Greg Gowins from Texas and Bob Kitterer from Arizona all pitching in.  We got a lot of little things down and tomorrow should be a productive day. 

After working on the car all day, we went to the Dodge City Brewery for dinner.  While there, the weather got very bad and all of a sudden, the tornado sirens started blaring loudly and there were pictures on the TV of nearby twisters.  Quite impressive, but Jim, who is a retired weather forecaster for the NWS kept us all calm letting us know that we were OK as the storm was moving past to the east, so we continued enjoying our pizza and beer.

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