
Monday, May 27, 2019

Homeward Bound!!


Everyone at the hotel was very nice and the maintenance man loaned me a couple of tools I needed.  I got the alternators swapped this morning, everything buttoned up, crossed my fingers and started it up.  It started right up and the ignition light went out!  And, it was much quieter.  We left and headed home along the back roads of Alabama.  We shortly ran into and area where they were doing roadwork that slowed us down for a short period, but it didn't last long.   We stopped for a late lunch at the Holly Pond Cafe in Holly Pond, AL!  It was a good time, between lunch and dinner and there was only one other couple there.  It was a very good, locally owned, locally operated place.  Probably crowded a couple of hours ago with the regular locals, but empty now.  Everyone must know the place, because we couldn't see a sign or name on the front, only on the door.  But, we had another filling meal.  (The car is not in the picture because it is under a tree, in the shade)

The Holly Pond Cafe

We then continued on, soon getting to more familiar territory.  We soon entered Georgia, passed through Cave Spring, Rome and Cartersville, where we stopped at a QuikTrip for gas and coffee. 
Because of the late start this morning, we were late getting home, but we made it without further incident.  I'll order the needed brake parts tomorrow.  

It was a great trip and we had a great time with great people.  But, I don't think I'll take the MG on a trip to the west again anytime soon.  It is too flat and too vast of an area to be driving a 45 year old car with hard to get parts.  Even AAA would have a hard time finding me, or would take a long time getting to me. 

We covered 2624 miles and traveled though 8 states!  Now, to crawl into my own bed!!  Tomorrow, I'll get the dog, get the mail, either mow the grass, or bale it, wash clothes, wash the car, etc.
Have to get ready for our next adventure!!

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