
Friday, May 29, 2015

What, no rain?!


Today, we went to Hot Springs Village, which is about 10 miles from Hot Springs.  It is the largest gated community in the US.  Approximately 26,000 acres, 14,000 residents and 8000 houses.   I am competing in a Lawn Bowling competition, something I had to look up on the internet to see what it is!  Anyway, we had some instructions by a very nice group of people and while I did not win, it was fun and our hosts were great.  The game is a lot more difficult than it looks due to the bowls (balls) being weighed so they curve when rolled.

What form!

After the match, we went to a different facility within the village for lunch.  This is also the site of the show tomorrow, so we will know how to get here tomorrow.  The weather has been nice, and the top has been down.  After lunch, we drove back to the hotel and made it all the way back without any rain!  But, it is supposed to come in later this afternoon so we put the top up when we got back.  We rested for a while before the party tonight, which is in the convention center with the invited cars.   We bought some raffle tickets that benefit a local charity and won a large, wicker picnic basket!  I'm not sure we will be able to get it back in the Midget!  Luckily, there is someone here from the Atlanta area that trailered their car and offered to take it back for us.  We might have to take them up on it!   During the party, it poured down rain!!  Luckily we were inside.  It is supposed to 
stop tonight and be nice tomorrow. We'll see...

The Crown Jewels show 

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