
Thursday, May 28, 2015

Sightseeing in Hot Springs


After breakfast,  we gathered with about 10 other cars for a drive to Garvan Gardens.  The weather was again clear and sunny in the morning and we had a nice drive with the top down.  The gardens were built on land owned by a wealthy industrialist and was donated to the U of A by his widow upon her death.  It is a beautiful area and worth seeing if you are ever in the Hot Springs area.  After a couple of hours, and lunch, we started to leave.  Noticing that the wind  was picking up and it had suddenly gotten dark, we put the top up before leaving and hoped we could get back to the hotel before it started raining.  Didn't happen!  Got caught in a good downpour once again.  So far, its rained every day we've been gone!

Of course, a few hours later, it was sunny again!  We decided to eat at a place we figured I had to try because of its name.  Turned out the name was the best part.  Our waitress appeared to be sleep walking and the food was just average.  Tomorrow we will explore Hot Springs Village.

1 comment:

  1. Midget Travels Blog is back! That garden is the exact opposite of Qatari landscape. I'm enjoying the green here as well.
