
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Heading home today

Sunday, April 13, 2014

After breakfast, we headed home.  We have a club meeting tonight,  so might have to go straight to the meeting.  We didn't like the route we took on the way up, so got directions from Googlemaps last night and will follow that, with back up by our GPS and map.  The scenery was much nicer on this more northerly route through North Carolina.  However, we had to stop frequently to consult both the map and GPS because we kept having problem interpreting the Googlemap printout.  Next time I will take large, individual state maps with more detail, trace out the route before hand and just use the GPS for emergencies.  But, we finally got close enough that we knew where we were and where we were going.  Because of the time it took, we drove straight to the pub where we have our meetings just in time for the meeting.  From there it was home to our own bed, which is always nice.   The car did great, the only problem was a squeaking fan belt which I will fix tomorrow when I clean the bugs and road grime off.  All in all, a good shake-down run getting ready for MG2014 in French Lick in June.  Stay tuned!!
Dual plugs and distributors on a 1934 Rolls Royce

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