
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Brits on the Bay - Pensacola, FL


We left very early for the drive to the British car show in Pensacola, FL and it was great.  Was quite cool and no traffic.  We were able to get out of the metro Atlanta area very quickly!  We had an uneventful drive down until we got to the outskirts of Pensacola when we decided to pull over and put the top up as the weather was deteriorating rapidly!  We walked to a nearby restaurant for dinner and got back to the hotel before the rain.  That night it rained and the power went out briefly in the hotel!  However, the rest of the weekend was just beautiful.  The top went back down and stayed down until we got home.


Today we got to tour the tower and approach control radar facility at the Pensacola International Airport.  This was very interesting and educational as the controllers and radar operators explained what they do in order to prevent "conflicts" between aircraft.  They were all very professional and took their jobs seriously.  We were actually in the tower and radar room as they were doing their things.  (no pictures as we were not allowed to take our phones with us)
That evening there was a welcome dinner before the show tomorrow.

Pensacola control tower


The weather today is beautiful and the show is in a park with a bunch of live oak trees providing shade.  I'm not sure how many cars were present, but there were more Morgans present than I have ever seen in one place before.  There were about 15, almost half of which were 3-wheelers.  

After the show, a bunch of us went to the Fish House for a nice seafood dinner before all going our separate ways tomorrow.


Headed home today.  The weather is still wonderful.  We traveled about halfway with some friends who were in their 1964 Triumph Herald before they split off.  Everyone made it home safely and now its time to get ready for the next Midget Travels adventure!

The End

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