
Sunday, July 1, 2018

Showtime - MG 2018!


After breakfast, we drove the car to the show field about 200 yards in front of the hotel.  After putting the car in our assigned space, we cleaned it up and then walked around looking at the approximately 250, or so, other cars.  In the sea of about 200 MGBs, there were about 15 Midgets.  But, we're used to that.  That is what makes us "special"!

Panoramic view of part of the show field.

Panoramic view of the Midgets.

One of the more interesting MGs on display, was an electric model.  This was a (non-running) project from an engineering school, whose name I forgot, that was built in the '70s!  Quite a lot of technological improvements in the last 40 years!

Its not only entertaining to see all the cars, but also educational.  I always see new ways to do things, and always learn something about these marvelous little cars that I didn't know before.  And, of course, its always nice to meet new MG friends.  MG is truly "the marque of friendship".

Later, at the awards banquet, several of our Peachtree MG Registry from Atlanta won awards in their class.  Tomorrow we'll start the trip back to Atlanta, following a different route back.

Steve Ratcliffe - 1st

Larry Norton - 1st
Mike Cook - 3rd
Tim Gaffney - 1st

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