
Monday, June 18, 2018

Made it to Gettysburg!


Another beautiful, cool, clear morning.  After a brief driver's meeting, we left Lynchburg, VA and drove to Gainesville, VA for lunch at Blue Ridge Seafood restaurant.  After lunch it was on to Gettysburg.  It clouded up and we had a few sprinkles before our first rest stop, so we decided to put our top up so we wouldn't have to do it along the way.   Of course, after a few minutes of light, scattered rain, which we could have driven through with the top down, it stopped and there was no more rain the rest of the way.  When the sun came out, it was hotter in the car with the top up then down!  Traffic was terrible through Maryland and Pennsylvania, sitting in traffic made it even hotter!

At one of our gas stops, we ended up next to a Suburban.  I took a picture to show how big a Suburban is!

Our detour to see the covered bridges of Frederick County, MD was a bust as the road to them was closed for repairs!  Everyone just decided to go on to Gettysburg, but we were determined to see one.  The last one was only about 0.1 mile off of our route, so we took the back way to it.  This is the Roddy Road covered bridge, built in 1856 and is the smallest covered bridge in Maryland.

We finally made it to Gettysburg and checked in.  Will register tomorrow and check out some of the historical landmarks.

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