
Thursday, October 17, 2013

SEMGTR's GOF at Callaway Gardens

October 10, 2013

After the trip to Hendersonville, we had our club's Fall Tour to Brevard, NC the following weekend.  This was a driving, eating and socializing event - no show involved.  It was lots of fun but I didn't really have a chance to update the blog.  Here is a picture of MGs in the Smokies on the way up.

No sooner had we gotten back from the Fall Tour, then it was time to wash clothes and car and get ready for a show the next weekend.  This was the Southeastern MG T Registry's (SEMGTR) Gathering of the Faithful (GOF) held at Callaway Gardens in Pine Mountain, GA.  We, and another couple, took the scenic route from Atlanta south to Pine Mountain.  We passed through such scenic towns as Zebulon (with a recently restored court house), Concord, Molena and Woodbury, where we stopped at the High Cotton Antique Mall for a stretch and bathroom break.  We discovered a great cafe, the Blackbird Cafe, where we ate lunch.  The food was plentiful and cheap and the interior was very nicely finished with old brick and wood.
The Blackbird Cafe

Rest stop in Woodbury, GA

After lunch it was a short ride through Warm Springs (home of FDR's Little White House), then a beautiful ride through the Roosevelt State Park to Pine Mountain where we checked into the Mountain Creek Inn.  The T club had a well organized and well planned weekend for us.  The theme was the '40s and the first night we had a showing of the movie Casablanca with popcorn, drinks and candy with '40s prices!  The next morning we had breakfast at the Country Store before lining up for a scenic ride which ended up at the Bulloch House in Warm Springs.  The Bulloch House is a large, old residence which has been turned into a restaurant.  It was a buffet with outstanding southern cuisine and we left full!

Breakfast at the Country Store
The Bulloch House

MGs at the Bulloch House

After lunch and a beautiful ride back, we were on our own.  We decided to go to Callaway Garden's butterfly exhibit. This is like a glass enclosed aviary, but its full of plants and butterflies.  Although the number and variety of butterflies was down while we were there, it was still very nice.  After visiting the butterfly house, we took a scenic drive through Callaway Gardens.  There are seemingly miles of windy roads through the park and you could almost get lost driving in it.  But, it was a nice leisurely drive and then we returned to the hotel.  Later it was dinner on our own and we found a local restaurant that was decent.  After that, it was back to the hotel to clean up the car and get ready for the show on Saturday morning.
Saturday morning, we drove across the street to the park where the show was held.  It was a very nice venue with large trees shading the parking lot.  There was a nice pavilion nearby and the park had set up a breakfast table with coffee, tea, soft drinks, biscuits and pastry.  It turned out to be a very nice show, great weather and 100+ beautiful British cars. 

After the show, we went to downtown Pine Mountain and explored several shops downtown and had lunch at one of the local cafes.  When we had seen most of the town, we headed back to the hotel and got ready for the banquet.  We had a wonderful dinner, met new MG friends and saw lots of very nice cars.  The next morning, Sunday, we packed up, went back to the Country Store for breakfast and then headed back home.  The trip back was uneventful.  We now have two weeks to get ready for the next show in Fairhope, AL.  We've never been there but have heard that it is a nice town and a good show. We're looking forward to it, so stay tuned!

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