
Saturday, June 15, 2013


Wed., June 12, 2013

After breakfast at the hotel, we drove to the show field along the golf course and zip line, and got the car ready.  Since this is the national get-together for the MGA, all other British cars were put in a separate "other British" class.  There was a mix, including some MGBs, a Riley Elf, Midgets, MGTs, an MGC, etc.  I never heard how many cars were registered, but it looked like about 150 MGAs, plus 14 Magnettes (also in this registry.  They are basically an MGA chassis with a different body).  It was clear and hot!
Part of the field of MGAs

A zip line went almost over the field.  Here a rider goes by with the British flag!

Some of the "Other British" cars

After the show, Kathy went downtown and I stayed at the hotel for a tech session.  At 5:00, we went to get a rental car for tomorrow and went to the river arts district to eat.  This is an area by the river with lots of art studios and some restaurants.  We ate at the White Duck Taco Shop and it was very good.

Tomorrow, we're driving to Columbia, SC to see Kyle graduate from Basic Training at Ft. Jackson, SC.  He will then have about 8 more weeks of advanced individual training in Finance before shipping out for his duty station - unknown as of now.

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