
Monday, September 24, 2012

Home at last!

Sun., Sept. 23, 2012

We didn't leave Natchez particularly early because we figured we would go as far as we could and stop wherever that may be.  We went home a different, more direct route, mostly through new territory.  We headed out of Natchez due east on Hwy. 84, through Brookhaven, Collins, Laurel and Waynesboro.  This is mostly 4 lane, divided state highway with little traffic, few big trucks and no billboards, through rural Mississippi.  We stopped for gas in Laurel at a station named Alliance Energy.  Very interesting pumps - there are 5 or 6 choices and you can choose depending on the level of ethanol.  It may also be divided by grade, but can't remember, I just went for the 1% ethanol (the lowest amount).  It may have been Reg. (11%), midgrade (6%), midgrade (4%), premium(2%) and premium(1%).  You paid a few cents more for each successive grade with less ethanol.  I thought it was great!  We were looking for a locally owned place to eat but all we saw were chains, so we went on to Waynesboro.  Our GPS said there was a place called the Dinner Bell Cafe there so we decided to try that, since it sounded like a local place.  When we got to the small town of Waynesboro, we passed McDonalds, Sonic, Hardees, Subway, etc. until we came to the Dinner Bell.  The parking lot was full.  It must be good!  So, we went in and I thought the sign on the door was great - see picture!  It looked like the place to eat in Waynesboro on Sunday as it was quite busy. 

Turns out it is a buffet (at least when we were there) with a variety of vegetables, meats, dessert and a salad bar.  And, the food was delicious.  And, it was all fresh because they were frequently refilling the different food containers.  After we ate, we continued on Hwy. 45 north to Meridian where we got on Hwy. 80 which goes all across Alabama, passing through Demopolis, Selma, Montgomery, Tuskeegee and Phenix City.  We stopped to eat at one of our favorite locally owned cafes, Inell's, in Ladonia, just outside Phenix City.  We thought we had plenty of time, since it was in Alabama and they are on CST.  But, all Alabama must not be on CST, as they were getting ready to close.  We went through the buffet line and they put the food in take home boxes, and we sat down to eat.  Well, it turns out they were getting ready to close, it must have been an hour later than we thought.  So, we packed up what's left of our dinner to finish outside and when I go to pay, the guy says don't worry about it, its on the house.  So, we took it across the street and finished at the McDonald's!!   I got a coffee from them and we were on a roll, so we decided to continue on.  It was getting cooler and much more pleasant to drive.  We then entered Georgia and with the GPS' help, continued through Waverly Hall, Warm Springs, Woodbury, Zebulon, Griffin, Hampton and McDonough, where we stopped at a QT for gas and a cappuccino.   Then on to Conyers and finally home.  It was a very long day, but it sure was nice getting into our own bed!!

total miles today:  639
total trip miles:  1362
ave. MPG:  36

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